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Basic Design Elements

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Site Elements







A logo is an image that usually incorporates a business's name and something about the style of the business. For this website, I created a simple, small logo that includes my initials (TPB) and the name of the site. I wanted something fairly small, since I have a rather extensive navigation bar.

Some of my clients have asked me to create logos for them. Here's the one I created for bead artist Teresa Meister:

Teresa Meister Logo

Other clients already had logos that I needed to incorporate into the design of their site. One of those belongs to the Bon Temps Creole Cafe in San Luis Obispo, California:

Bon Temps Creole Cafe Logo

This, by the way, is an example of a transparent gif displayed against a background.

Another option is to have the logo demonstrate the skills of the artist, like the one artist Pat Musick created for her site. It not only shows the result of her artistic talents but also serves on her site as a step-by-step guide to creating enameled art:

Pat Musick Logo




