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Basic Design Elements

Column Width

Site Elements







Hyperlinks make the internet tick. Almost any time you want to go somewhere online, you use a hyperlink. All the items on the navigation bars on the left side and at the top of this page are hyperlinks. All a hyperlink does is to direct your internet browser from one place to another. It could direct the browser to another place on the page, or to another page on your site (which is what the navigation bar does), or to another website altogether. (There's a way to do that last item so that your browser opens a new tab for the external site, so the user doesn't leave your site.) You don't need permission to put a link from your site to someone else's, but if you want them to link to yours, you have to ask their webmaster to do so, and sometimes pay a fee as well. Hyperlinks are often in a different colored font and underlined and, as on this site, they sometimes change color or react in some other way when you put your mouse over the text or object.




